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Value of Education in Northshore Communities

Interestingly enough, communities seldom share the exact same sets of values. This can be based on a multitude of factors including socioeconomic standing, location, and expectations. Many of the values that are held in North Shore communities are different from other communities around the United States. The primary value in the North Shore is education, and a great focus and emphasis is focused on it by members of the community.

The North Shore is considered to be one of the wealthiest areas in Illinois– according to a Crain’s Chicago Business article– with certain areas in Glencoe and Winnetka where the median household income is upwards of $200,000. However, this above average household income does not get in the way of core North Shore values such as the importance of getting a high school and college education. In fact, New Trier Township property taxes are of the highest in the state of Illinois, and are the primary source of funding for the school. According to a Chicago Tribune article, In 2014, a $102.5 million renovation plan was voted on and passed by the school board. Even though this plan would lead to a slight hike in property taxes, it demonstrates that maintaing a state of the art education facility, and providing the best possible learning environment for students is important for New Trier parents in the area. In most other areas, the passing of a $100 million renovation plan most likely would not be as popular within the taxpayers.
Main Wing after New Trier renovation

Additionally, New Trier also spends almost double the amount per student as the average Illinois 
school does. According to the New Trier Annual Report Card, the school spends over $25,000 per student while the average school in Illinois spends around $13,000. This further demonstrates the importance of education to the community because parents are willing to use their money to insure that each student gets the best possible education and is able to receive individual focus from instructors. Also, New Trier students have one of the highest graduation rates in the state at about 98% which is significantly higher that the national average. This demonstrates that a higher education is very important to New Trier parents because almost all of these graduating students go on to some form of college or university. Below shows how New Trier’s spending per student stacks up against other districts.
Spending per student compared to New Trier

In the North Shore, education is one of the primary values as shown by the willingness for tax payers for pay for an expensive school renovation, school spending per student, and the overall student graduation rate. While education is commonly a value in many communities, the New Trier Township area shares a desire for student to get the best possible education, and eventually attend college or university.


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